Wednesday 21 May 2014

Religion or relationship?

So much war of words of late. I thought I must pen this down.
I sit pondering. Its early morning. Crows are crowing. A new morn dawns as if on cue.

I lose my sleep. Freshness. Silence. Solitude.
I look at Him. My precious friend.
Wide awake and waiting for me. He holds me in His arms and waits. As he hears me sigh deeply.
My mind returning to cares of old.

He invades. He whispers. The thoughts appear.

Why religion? I ask. Causes such anger..alienation...heartache.

'I never intended a set of rules and regulations. Religion is manmade. I came to do away with religion and establish a relationship with you.'

I am glad for that. I never would have made it otherwise.

'But before I came the law was given containing the ten commands at the hands of moses. Don't murder. Don't commit adultery. Honor your parents. Don't covet. Etc.
Anyone who disobeyed even one was punished severely. A woman caught in adultery stoned to death.
But law made folk scared. They obeyed me because of fear of punishment. Many couldn't follow. They erred and perished. 

Hundreds of years later I stepped on the scene. I had to.
I saw man's sin. Their suffering. I wanted to show them a better way.

So I lived amongst them. Dined with the poorest as well as the richest. Befriended sinners. To be under their skin.

I began to teach. Multitudes followed me. Healings happened. Miracles flowed from my person.
Some folk got annoyed. The very law abiding religious folk. They hated me. Because my teachings revolutionised people. Theirs was a set of rules and regulations. Which they themselves never followed.

So they followed me. Gathered a mob after me. Incited ...they raised a call to crucify me.

I willingly lay down my life. Forgave my murderers. I wished to show a better way.

I rose up victorious over death three days later. I'm risen. '

He pauses.

'If any one receives me into his life I readily come in to establish a relationship with him..A very spiritual one. I make man's dead spirit alive. He suddenly breathes ...he lives. Its a miracle.

Religion puts you to death. I give you life.
Religion says donts and dos. With me in your'd never want to do evil. See the difference.
One is externally imposed . Manmade. While the other flows out of a relationship of love with your Maker.
Religion breeds cruelty, hatred, fanatiscm. I come to give you life, love and tolerance.
Religion places self above others..I see to it that you surrender yourself each day
Religion says don't sin. I pardon sin.
Religion writes harsh rules unbending. I write the perfect law of liberty on your heart.
Religion condemns. I console.
It says don't commit adultery with a woman.
I say if you even look at a woman with already committed adultery.
So its all about your heart. Motives... desires. Not external.
But with me inside you , you don't want to sin. See the difference. Of course you can still leave me. I'm a perfect gentleman. You can follow your course in life.
But I will be there if you wish to turn back. For I'm quick to forgive.'

Whew. Great thoughts. I just penned them down.
My guru., friend..father..lover... all rolled into one.

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